Say these with me, ‘I am an offspring of the Word. God has made me the light; thus, there’s no area of darkness in my life. I am in the centre of God’s will, and the light of God’s Word illuminate my path. The Word of God has given light to my spirit, guiding me in the way that I should go. I am full of life, conscious of the supernatural life of God that is in my spirit. Therefore, I refuse to live by the dictates of the outward man, but by the guidance and direction unveiled to my spirit from the Lord.
I live out the transcendent life of excellence, greatness, and success inherent in my spirit, as I walk according to God’s Word today and always. I am a participator in the divine experience; the Father has made me a vessel fit for His sacred use, the centre of His operation in the earth. My finances are sanctified unto the Lord and my prosperity is guaranteed! The adversary and devourer are rebuked for my sake, and I function in increased grace for financial abundance.
I am powered by the Spirit, as I share the Word with others, I manifest the savour of God’s knowledge to them, knowing that I am a bearer of the divine order, and my words are confirmed with signs following. My faith is alive and working. With it, I connect into God’s unending supply, taking full advantage of His inexhaustible grace, wealth and wisdom, thus making the miraculous my daily experience. Glory to God. Hallelujah!
God bless you.