Rev. Dr Chris oyakhilome Dsc, DD
John 18:37-You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.
“What is my purpose? Why did God put me on this earth?” What is my reason for being?” That’s the burning question in the hearts of many young people. Maybe you have the same question in your heart today. If you would ask the Lord what His purpose for your life is, He’d tell you. And once you’ve asked, listen and follow Him with your spirit, because that’s where He’ll lead you from.
God is the Master Communicator; He can talk to you about His purpose for your life in a language that you’ll understand, and lead you from your spirit into the life He’s planned for you to live. There’ll be times that the Spirit of God would strengthen your heart towards something or against a particular thing. That’s an indication of His guidance in your spirit. When He strengthens your heart against a particular thing, it may not necessarily be because the thing is wrong, but because the timing might be wrong. Nonetheless, if you’ll listen to Him in your spirit, and follow His leading, you’ll walk in His perfect will always.
That’s why you should go voraciously for the Word of God, and have the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in your life. The more you study and understand His Word and live by it, the clearer His voice will be within you for everything in life. That way, you’ll never be confused about what to say, what to do, where to go, etc. You’ll become the revelation of God’s will in your daily walk.
If you’re yet to know God’s purpose for your life, say this prayer: “Dear Lord, I want to be all that you want me to be. I ask that you guide my spirit, and lead me into that which you have chosen me for, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
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