Rev. Dr. Chris oyakhilome Dsc, DD
Your Spirit Is Connected To Your Hands
1Timothy 2:8”I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting”
When you lift your hands to the Lord, you may have observed that sometimes, they seem to tremble somehow. They weren’t shaking that way before you started praying and lifted them to the Lord. But the moment you raised them, the anointing came on them, and they started shaking; it’s a signal of the touch of the Spirit at that moment. And if you recognise it and accept what the Spirit of God is doing, and how He’s getting your attention, a lot more could happen.
But not many understand these things. They have to be taught. Spiritual things can be taught, just as natural things of life can be taught. And once you learn them and respond accordingly, you’ll be amazed at how your life just keeps moving forward and upward. There’s something deeply spiritual and pleasing to the Lord about lifting your hands to Him in worship and prayer. Though your hands are physical, there’s a connection between them and your spirit, when you lift them up to the Lord. It’s a spiritual connection between the outward nature and the inward man. It’s not a mere routine. You’re using them to guide your spirit towards God.
In Psalm 141:2, David said, “Let my prayer be set before You as incense, the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.” The lifting up of your hands to the Lord is far more pleasing to Him than offering physical sacrifices. If the Lord delights so much in seeing you lift your holy hands to Him, then it means it’s something you should take very seriously. You ought to do it because the Word says so! It’s a training you must imbibe, for it’s a spiritual act of reverence. Act
Right where you are, lift those holy hands of yours and pray in the Holy Ghost; worship and magnify the Name of the Lord.
Psalm 134:2 (ESV)
Lift up your hands to the holy place
and bless the Lord!
1 Kings 8:54 (ESV)
Now as Solomon finished offering all this prayer and plea to the Lord, he arose from before the altar of the Lord, where he had knelt with hands outstretched toward heaven.
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